On 5/3/23 16:22, Ken Young wrote:

The methods I know,

1. scp
pros: the native tool in the OS
cons: you will either input password or put key pairs into servers for authentication.

2. rsync
pros: it can transfer data by increasement
cons: you need to setup rsyncd server and make the correct authorization.

3. ftp/ftps
pros: easy to use
cons: need to setup ftpd server, and the way is not that secure?

4. rclone
pros:easy to use
cons: hard to setup (you may need a cloud storage for middleware).

For me I most often use scp + rsync. and what's your choice?


You can also use git or subversion by way of a third part server.

It involves double handling but I have a vague idea that they both do incremental changes faster than rsync. They definitely allow rollbacks.


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