Hello Paul

I suggest using the phrase "reads aloud" instead of "reads out".  To "read
aloud" can only mean audible output whereas "read out" has more than one

best regards

Jeremy Wootten

On 18 September 2011 13:30, Paul Gevers <p...@climbing.nl> wrote:

> Hi
> [Please CC me on reply]
> I am thinking about the description of a new package that I intent to
> package [1].
> This package is a simple command-line program that reads the content of
> an EPUB e-book out with espeak. The issue that I have is with the
> English expression "to read out". I believe that most non-native speaker
> might not recognize that this package is not meant for the user to read
> the e-book (only the chapters are displayed), but that this program
> mostly gives audio output. I have the current description (inspired by
> my daisy-player description), but improvements are very welcome.
> Description     : eBook reader that reads out via synthetic voice
>  ebook-speaker is a command-line electronic book reader that reads out
>  eBooks using speech synthesis. (Currently only the EPUB format is
>  supported). It has a simple user interface appropriate for Braille
>  terminals.
> Thanks in advance.
> Paul
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=641899

Jeremy Wootten
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