On Mon, 2004-10-25 at 10:37 +1000, Matthew Palmer wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 24, 2004 at 04:41:45PM -0700, Eric Gaumer wrote:
> > Package: wnpp
> > Severity: wishlist
> > 
> > 
> > * Package name    : tomboy
> >   Version         : 0.2.2
> >   Upstream Author : beatniksoftware <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL             : http://www.beatniksoftware.com/tomboy/
> > * License         : LGPL
> >   Description     : Tomboy is a desktop note-taking application for Linux 
> > and Unix. 
> Short description should not repeat the package name, certainly not as the
> first word, and I don't think that "for Linux and Unix" is necessary,
> considering this is the Debian package.  Remember also to try and keep the
> short description below about 60 characters, because anything beyond that
> often gets chopped by frontends.

Okay I'll keep this mind for any future ITP submittal. I pretty much
copied the description straight from the website. I now realize that I'm
essentially trying to sell the idea of this package being accepted by
the community.
> >   Simple and easy to use, but with potential to help you organize the
> >   ideas and information you deal with every day.
> That's not a bad description, but I (as a potential user) would like to know
> what this thing is going to do for me beyond what (say) knotes does
> (post-its for your desktop, in case you were wondering).

Well I use the stickynotes applet quite a bit and I assume this is
similar to knotes (I prefer GNOME over KDE). Stickynotes is also a
post-it type application.

Tomboy is really a different beast. What would happen is I would get so
many post-its on my desktop that it became hard to organize them. I
would have phone numbers, or reminders, or even just mini how-to's on
things I didn't do daily.

What Tomboy brings to the table is a way to organize this info. It does
this by creating links to other notes. I can write a quick 5 line
summary of say how to correctly submit an ITP. But I can go a step
further and highlight the word ITP and cause this to link to a new note
where I list any ITPs I may have submitted. From the new note I could
highlight a specific ITP and link to another new note containing
specific info on that particular ITP.

If you get a whole lot of notes like I do (over 50) then Tomboy has a
search feature. I can enter ITP in the search field and it will show
links to any note that has ITP in it.

I still use stickynotes for quick reminders that will be dealt with in a
reasonable amount of time but I use Tomboy to organize notes that will
show some longevity. They actually serve two different purposes. With
tomboy you can literally build a manual with hyperlinks to specific
topics. This isn't really possible with something like stickynotes.

There is actually quite a few people waiting to see this package
available in Debian so I have confidence it will find it's way into

The problem is finding someone to sponsor the package. There have been a
few DD's who have supposedly committed to maintaining it but either it's
a long process or they are busy with other things and just haven't found
the time to commit to it.

I have packages so obviously I'm in no hurry but it would be nice to see
them officially in Debian mirrors.

If you'd like to check out the application then my packages are
available here for x86 and PPC

deb ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian/ prime contrib
deb-src ftp://corp.primenetwork.net/debian prime contrib

Rob Bradford and Johan Svedberg have shown interest in this application
both of which are Debian developers. I'm willing to do anything to help
but admit I lack the knowledge of how to proceed. My understanding is
that I need to sell the idea to someone who can make it happen. If
anyone out there feels this package would be a valuable application for
Debian to provide then please download my source package and let me know
if the build looks okay and/or what I need to change. If you'd rather
not sponsor some else's work, then please do what needs to be done to
get this package into unstable.


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