Drew Parsons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those who have been waiting for it, the Xprint package from xprint.org
> (or rather, xprint.mozdev.org) is now available.  Packages xprt-xprintorg
> (server binary) and xprt-common (config files).


> In README.Debian, I recommended setting 
>   export XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"
> in /etc/environment, so clients like mozilla can know the Xprint server is
> available.   This works fine if you source /etc/environment from a shell,
> but pam_env on login parses it literally, so you get
> `/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`
> instead of 
> hostname:12
> I'm not sure what the best way to handle this is.  Any hints?

Using /etc/environment is broken, because it is no shell-init-file and
has no sh-Syntax. See a current post on debian-devel and bug #17309 - I
cannot access it now because master seems to be down (that is why I cc'd
you, too.)

How about shipping /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75xprt-xprintorg_setenv
consisting only of
XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`"
               cu andreas

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