Hello Fabrice,
Thanks for this details, if we have a new idea about a feature can we 
submit it ?
If so, where can I share it ?
Thanks :)

On mer. 03 juil. 2013 20:03:35 CET, Fabrice Desre wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few months ago, Jaime and Jonas sent out a survey to gather items that
> engineering folks felt should be worked on. The list was then massaged
> and scored based on a set of criteria. The result is in this document:
> https://docs.google.com/a/mozilla.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkCJUUVjPzh-dDJKZU1TRXdrYTIySm9HbXFOUHRLWFE#gid=2
> Many of these items are not explicitly on any feature roadmap (yet).
> Thus they are good things to work on without being in the critical path.
> Happy hacking!
>       Fabrice

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