On Monday, December 9, 2013 6:49:07 PM UTC-8, Bob Thulfram wrote:
> Or maybe audio isn't simple anymore. All I want to do is play an audio file.
> Here's my code:
> <html>
>   <head>
>     <meta charset="utf-8">
>     <title>
>       Audio Test
>     </title>
>       <script>
>       // Load the page.
>       window.addEventListener("load", 
>         runFirst, false);
>       // Runs when the page is loaded.
>       function runFirst() {
>         console.log("page loaded");
>         // Create audio object.
>         myAudio = document.createElement("audio");
>         myAudio.src = "oggsong.ogg";
>         myAudio.src = "mp3song.mp3";
>         myBody.appendChild(myAudio);
>         // What did we load?
>         console.log(myAudio.src);
>         // Wait until we can play.
>         myAudio.addEventListener("canplay",
>           processAudio, false);  
>       }
>       // Called when audio is ready to play.
>       function processAudio() {        
>         // Stop the event firing.
>         myAudio.removeEventListener("canplay", processAudio);
>         console.log("audio loaded");
>         // Stop the audio temporarily
>         myAudio.pause();
>         // Sets the position to play from.
>         myAudio.currentTime = 10;
>         // How long is the audio?
>         console.log(myAudio.duration);
>         // Play the audio.
>         myAudio.play();
>       }
>        </script>
>     </head>
>     <body id="myBody">
>     </body>
> </html>
> This plays the song in Firefox 27, IE 11, and Chrome #whocares. But when I 
> put it on my ZTE Open, no sound.
> Here's my manifest:
> {
>   "name": "Little Audio",
>   "description": "Playing audio",
>   "launch_path": "/index.html",
>   "icons": {
>     "60":  "/icons/icon-60.png",
>     "128": "/icons/icon-128.png"
>   },
>   "developer": {
>     "name": "Your Name",
>     "url": "http://www.yourwebsite.com";
>   },
>   "default_locale": "en"
> }
> I have two questions:
> 1. What am I doing wrong? Is the manifest wrong? Do I need to specify the 
> music loaded in the manifest. The music is in the same folder level as 
> index.com.
> 2. I've noticed that the ogg file doesn't load in Firefox. Is Firefox now 
> supporting MP3? I put the ogg file first, thinking that Firefox might like 
> it, but maybe it doesn't love ogg any longer?
> I'm loading this onto the phone through the USB cable, so it should have the 
> permissions. Any clues would be great. This is frustrating because it works 
> on all the other browsers. Thanks!
> PS: I know WebAudio is better, but I'd like to get HTML5 Audio working on 
> Firefox OS. I'll write about it in my blog if I can get some clues.

Another question: when I load the app into my phone via USB, where does the 
audio file go? What folder is it in?
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