Hey all,

Please make an effort to move bugs to their proper product & component, 
especially if they are something that will have an effect on heavily-impacted 
teams like Graphics.  Bugs should never sit in a "General" component unless 
there is no direct work for them (especially no code -- essentially if it's a 
tracking bug).  Likewise, bugs that require Gecko platform changes/fixes should 
not be in the Firefox OS product; they need to be moved to Core, and the 
appropriate component.  (Ideally, split into two bugs -- one Core bug for the 
platform work, and one FxOS bug that depends on the Core bug for the FxOS 
work.)  If you're not sure what an appropriate component is, please reach out 
and ask!

The Product & Component fields matter quite a bit; people watch specific 
components for their product areas (e.g. JavaScript, Graphics, DOM, etc) to 
keep an eye on all the relevant bugs.  If they don't end up in the right place, 
it's much harder to get the right people involved to get things fixed quickly.

     - Vlad
dev-b2g mailing list

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