I got a Flame phone and wanted to update it to 2.0 nightly so I could
test/dogfood. Last week I couldn't figure out how to do that via the Flame
home page, but someone has since added instructions. Thanks to whoever did


One issue with the instructions, though, at least on OS X - they only
really work if both flash steps are run as root (sudo). Flashing the base
doesn't require root, but the flash to 2.0 nightly requires the adb daemon
to be running as root, and if you didn't flash the base as root adb will
not be running as root. You'll need to do "adb kill-server", which most
people won't know how to do. If you didn't run the base flash as root, and
you figured out how to kill the adb server, you then need to run the second
flash as root to get adb to start as root. We should either recommend that
people run the flash commands as root (prefix "sudo"), or explain how to
get adb running as root first.

Other than this, the page's information is much better than before. Still
could be better organized, though.
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