(Cross posting to loop-services-dev and dev-media)

Hi folks,

We're planning to change our database implementation and go from Redis
to MySQL in the upcoming weeks / months, in order to have Ops use the
scaling properties of MySQL RDS on Amazon.

We're not code-ready yet on the server side,*but are in need of some
product information, especially about data migration.*

Specifically, we would like to know if that would make sense, from a
product perspective, to drop the data we have in redis right now, rather
than migrating it from redis to MySQL. In other words, that would mean
that the data generated for Beta / Nightly will stop being available at
one point in time: call urls would stop working and hawk sessions will
not be valid anymore.

On the client, how are we dealing with this? Would the hawk session be
re-created in case of a 401?

If this data loss would be possible, I would like to have a max date
when this can happen;

I've started a wiki page to try to summarize what we're trying to do and
how, it's at https://wiki.mozilla.org/CloudServices/Loop/MySQL


— Alexis
dev-media mailing list

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