On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 7:26 AM, Eddy Nigg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/09/2008 04:25 PM, Ian G:
>> Well, all the arguments have been heard on this already, and positions
>> are fairly entrenched. It seems futile to have the debate over and over,
>> and I for one would like to point out that it is uncomfortable to treat
>> it like a political campaign.
> Well, Kyle stated that he doesn't care who I am nor which interests I
> represent. This was a short statement about what I did and which interests I
> represent (including obviously my personal preference) :-)

Since there's a fairly argumentative tone going on, I think I should
explain what my viewpoint is:
0) First and foremost, I'm a citizen and resident of the United States
of America, educated in the public school system in the 1980s to early
1990s.  This means that I was brought up with a particular set of
beliefs (most notably that only governmental authority is
proscriptive, and there is no generally-applicable prescriptive
authority).  This colors every value judgement that I make, most
importantly the following...
1) I believe that users who own their own machines are sovereign.  The
USER, not the CA, is the root of all trust on that user's machine.
(Families are different, but only in that the actual owner of the
machine -- usually a parent -- is the root of all trust for the kids
who use it.  There are many rights which corporations have that family
owners don't, including the right to capture and log keystroke, video
output, audio output, and network activity on the machine.)
2) I believe that CAs which have been audited against their CPs and
CPSes have a severe disincentive against making new types of
certificates available.
3) I believe that CAs which have been audited against their CPs and
CPSes have a severe disincentive against binding different types of
identities (other than legal identity) to public keys.  The reason for
this is that CAs must adhere to their CPs, and thus far none of them
have brought any expression of non-legal identities (this is different
from 'illegal identities', which include identities that people take
on for the purpose of defrauding another or any identity used for an
illegal purpose) into their certificate policies.
4) I believe that CAs which have been audited against their CPs and
CPSes have a severe disincentive against placing user-requested
extensions in their certificates, because these extensions can mean
anything and be interpreted as anything.
5) I believe the disincentive against placing user-requested
extensions in certificates reduces the incentive for general-purpose
PKIX clients to properly handle arbitrary extensions -- the
information doesn't exist, so there's no implementation thereof.  If
there's no implementation thereof, there's no pressure to provide the
6) I believe that the USA has a chartered requirement to not infringe
on anyone's right of free association.  (Among other things, a person
can associate with gays -- and one of the more deeply-held beliefs in
the gay community is that if you know that someone's gay, you do not
under any circumstances make that group membership known -- it is the
individual's decision when (or if) to "come out of the closet", i.e.
make their own group membership known.  I have other examples to
suggest that this is an appropriate view to take, but I cannot express
them without betraying my own associations in ways that I wish not
7) Because of #1, I believe that users have the right to use their
computers as tools they can work in any manner, for communications
they wish to share in any manner, and with pseudonyms as they may
require or desire -- not simply with the de facto legal identity
information embedded in ways that CAs currently require.  Also because
of #1, I believe that assigning "ultimate trust" to any CA that is not
run according to the need of the user is a violation of the user's
8) in light of #2, 3, 4, and 5, I conclude that trying to get any
audited CA to embed a non-legal identity or group-membership extension
is pointless.
9) in light of the interactions between #3 and 6, and the conclusion
in #8, I conclude that using the current CAs for anything outside of
the top-down, hierarchal, legal-identity declaration that they
currently are is pointless.
10) I believe that there are many, many applications that would
benefit from the application of cryptography.  However, the dominant
paradigm of cryptographically binding an identity to a key (but only
as long as the identity that's bound is the legal identity) makes it
difficult for advocates of cryptography to gain any traction in those

In addition, regarding your desire to do away with self-signed
certificates as website identification... unfortunately, I can't see a
way within a strict reading of X.509 to do that.  I do believe it
would be good practice, but it just seems to be... well, dogmatically
prohibited.  As far as I've been able to figure out, all trust flows
from the trust anchor... so the trust anchor itself can be used for
any purpose for which it's trusted.  "I trust this anchor to
authenticate websites.  If I see the trust anchor itself in a
certificate for a website which authenticates according to Subject and
SAN processing, I will trust it even though the key itself is being
used in a way that it should not be."  (A few years ago we had a
discussion on here which led to the statement that the 'trust anchor'
is not the CA certificate itself, but rather the CA's public key.)

Also, the case that Nelson brought up would have been made less
intrusive into the user's mindspace by simply asking the user to
accept a CA which (even with the same key in the server certificates)
would have only brought a single security exception dialog up.  As
well, with the new multi-process database capability, it will now be
possible for a rogue extension to add CAs to the profile's certificate
database without any intervention from the user and without any
corruption of the database, which would make for a discoverable but
not obvious security boondoggle.

> Perhaps I should have added, that I'm coming from the same grass-root camp
> as Kyle and others. WE have/had some very similar goals... however I
> actually did something in order to establish an alternative. I was the
> thriving "force" behind the establishing of a legitimate authority where the
> commercial aspects aren't the primary goal and where certification isn't
> bound to the financial capabilities of the subscriber.

By trying to appear 'legitimate' the authority which you created falls
into the same problems which plague every other authority.  As well,
since the 'authority' that you run does not issue the credentials
which can be used to authenticate a legal identity, your 'authority'
is not 'authoritative'.  That's one of the most important things that
CAs need to recognize -- they're not authoritative for anything which
they are not the sole arbiter of.  (A user group is authoritative on
its membership, but a general-purpose certificate issuer is only
authoritative on 'the entities which have chosen to request issuance
of a certificate from it' -- the general-purpose certificate issuer is
not authoritative for 'the identities of entities'.  In this light,
even the DMV/MVD isn't authoritative, and it's only because the US
Department of State takes several weeks to verify presented documents
with the issuing authorities that it really can be called
authoritative for US citizenship and passport issuance.)

> For some reason, advocates like Kyle are opponents to us today and needless
> to mention that the hard-core CAcert crowd isn't happy with what we do and
> achieved either - first we were ignored, then publicly laughed at, then
> publicly decried. Go figure...

I have no issue with what you're doing, and I think that it's a very
good thing.  I believe that the CAcert project is interesting, at
least insofar as it's getting more people to be aware of the massive
issues of legal identity (individual and corporate) and legal name as
they are interpreted around the world.

What I do have issue with, though, is that you seem to think that the
service you created is a panacea, that the concept of monetary
exchange is the only thing which prevents people from using the
services of the general-purpose CAs.  It's not.  (Among other things,
you issue end-user certificates, which cannot themselves issue other
certificates.  This means that a user cannot use the certificate you
issue to issue certificates to his router, his PC, to his friends, to
any services that he chooses to run -- all he can issue are proxy
certificates, which cannot be used for identity; they can only be used
for delegation of the permission that an end-user certificate has.
Since end-user certificates cannot be used to identify servers, the
end-user still has an artificial barrier to entry if he wants to, say,
protect his home network with ipsec.)

> Today I'm afraid that for those I don't have much sympathy left either and
> continue to serve those who appreciate it.

I have issues with the entire X.509 paradigm, but the biggest problem
is this: X.509 was designed around the concept of a central, worldwide
Directory.  This would have made Subjects (and SANs) searchable,
globally... and the fact that there is no centrally-searchable
database is what allows for certificates to be mis-issued by audited
and trusted CAs, under the strict readings of their CPs.

>> It seems that Eddy and Nelson are in the anti-self-signed-certs camp,
>> and I would join Kyle in the pro-self-signed-certs camp.
> I think that's way too simple...

I agree, this characterization is far too simple.  I just want to
maintain the ability for users to reason their ways through the
process of adding new roots to their stores.  I would like to simplify
this process as much as possible.  I would like to ensure that it is a
"reasoning" process, though, rather than just a "the damned browser's
getting in my way so I'll accept this" process.

I think I would be amenable to the following:

1) A certificate should not be self-signed if it is being used to
identify a server, as a means of encouraging best-practice CA key
2) If a certificate issued by a CA and a known CA have the same key,
the certificate should be flagged for review (again, encourage
best-practice CA key management).
3) The process of adding a CA should not be directly accessible from
the security exception UI.  Individual sites should be able to have
their certificates added on a case-by-case basis, because a site may
be legitimate in the user's estimation even if they don't want to
trust the authority identifying it.  (This is outside NSS's scope.)
4) There should be an extension defined in CA and end-entity
certificates for a CA to embed information on how to add the CA to the
trusted store.  (There's already two extensions defined for CAs to
link to their certification practice statements, but none for any
tutorials or information on how to add a CA to the root store.)  This
link could be shown in the security exception UI.  (This is outside
NSS's scope.)
5) The security exception dialog (even if it's not an actual dialog
box, it's still an interaction between the user and software) should
also have a prominent link to the criteria for inclusion in the
default NSS database, and those criteria should have their rationale
explained -- so that the user has the ability to understand what
exactly is at stake.  As well, there should be a statement "Mozilla,
Firefox, and NSS take no responsibility for any consequences which may
happen if you add a CA that they have not included."  (Again, outside
of NSS's scope.)

> You don't have to search a lot....just visit Paypal and look at your
> browser. That's the way the wind is blowing. And if regular certificates are
> further circumvented and devalued, this is what you'll be left with in the
> end. Think about it!

Er, honestly?  "regular certificates" have already been devalued by
the entry of over 100 competitors to Verisign.  The chrome for the
browser, everyone keeps telling me, is outside the scope of this group
-- so why bring it up?  But, since you did, I'll return an anecdote...

The fact is, "regular certificates" didn't go far enough.  The idea of
domain-validated certificates was created by an audited and accepted
CA, and that idea appears to me to be what led to the creation of the
EV certificate profile by the CAB forum anyway.  I removed my trust in
Firefox for every CA that I could find a CPS for which suggested that
they could issue domain-validated certificates, and I found that the
browser's chrome made it impossible for me to get anything done after
I did that.

I brought up the additional cost for EV certificates before; you
thought it wasn't appropriate for me to bring up because "only major
e-commerce sites and banks" would need them.  And now, you seem to
suggest that eventually, it likely will end up that everyone who
touches credit card numbers or other fiduciary data will need an EV
cert anyway?  I hate to say it, but look within your own industry for
the cause for that.  (And then realize -- once again -- that
MasterCard and Visa, at the least, offer a $0 liability to anyone who
has a fraudulent transaction posted to their account.  The credit card
issuers have already taken action to protect their clients... so what
exactly is it that any certificate is supposed to protect against, at
e-commerce sites?  AFAICT, it's only really banks and other
fiduciaries that need the EV protection.  The idea that everyone needs
an EV certificate is a natural herd reaction to the whispers of
uncertainty and doubt that the CA industry representatives
collectively whisper or have whispered into the ears of those who
control the writing of the software.)

-Kyle H
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