Eddy Nigg wrote:
> On 12/27/2008 02:34 PM, Gervase Markham:
>> One of the points of EV was to allow us to act against a CA without
>> massive collateral damage. We can remove EV status from a root without
>> disabling the root entirely.
> Which unfortunately isn't really effective for the issue we are facing
> today. 

No, indeed. My point was just that sayrer said "We didn't learn that
lesson for EV", and I am saying that we did.

> Removing EV status would be applicable in case the EV guidelines
> wouldn't be fulfilled by a CA. It's absolutely useless otherwise. Or
> would you suggest that because a CA doesn't perform its duties for
> regular certs to disable EV, even though their EV business practices are
> in complete compliance with the EV guidelines?

No, I'm not suggesting that.

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