Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
On 12/21/06, Carsten Ziegeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Could someone please assemble the docs archive for the 2.1.10 release?
The generated docs are available as a tar.gz archive from the
"cocoon-docs.tar.gz direct download" link at, IIUC this is what
we ship with the release. Were you thinking of something else?
Thanks Bertrand,

this is exactly what I'm looking for. Is the download up to date? Or do
I have to follow the procedure mentioned there?

The download mentioned on that site is generated by Forrest every 12 hours. You only need to update the site manually if you don't want to wait for the next automated update.

You can preview what is in the download by looking at

You can also verify that there are no broken links by looking at (it should be empty of course).


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