Hi Daniel,

> I've been working on a PDF Report Writer, named PDF::ReportWriter, for a
> while now. It's written in Perl. I'm not sure whether that makes it
> unsuitable for OO or not. I would say that this isn't a problem, but
> that's just me. PDF::ReportWriter is a part of an umbrella project, Axis
> Not Evil, which is a suit of open-source, cross-platform Perl modules
> that combine to provide an alternative to a /'leading'/ software
> vendor's RAD design tool for database access. ie it's competition for
> OpenOffice's database module. Not to worry though ... I think we're
> targetting different people with different needs. If people are
> interested in somehow including PDF::ReportWriter in OpenOffice, then
> that's fine by me, particularly if it means more people adding more
> features :)

I think we would welcome everything which adds features to OOo :).

How would a collaboration look like? OOo currently does not ship with
perl, nor does it have a UNO binding for perl [1], so how would OOo feed
your application with data? Are you interested in working on this?


[1] Well, in theory it might have, but I'm not sure about the shape it
    is in: http://perluno.sourceforge.net/

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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