Hi Pascal,

the problem may be that you are using the wrong table filter. Could you please the table name without the extension? -> "test"

Best regards,


Pascal Robert wrote:

I have a lot of troubles when I try to create a text datasource from Java. The database got created but the table (who should be based on the CSV file) never appears. My test CSV file has only 3 lines and it correctly formatted. I was thinking that maybe it's a bug in OOo for OS X but I tried on RedHat ES 3 and I have the same problem. The code :

   public void createNewDataSource() {

    mDataSourceDir = "/Users/probert/Travail/OpenOffice/";
    mTableName = "test.csv";

XSingleServiceFactory factory = (XSingleServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XSingleServiceFactory.class, mxMSF.createInstance("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext"));

XNamingService xServ = (XNamingService) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XNamingService.class, factory);

            Object dataSource = factory.createInstance();

XDocumentDataSource xDocumentDataSource = (XDocumentDataSource) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDocumentDataSource.class, dataSource);

XOfficeDatabaseDocument xDatabaseDocument = xDocumentDataSource.getDatabaseDocument();

XStorable store = (XStorable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, xDatabaseDocument); XModel model = (XModel) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, xDatabaseDocument); String storeFileName = "file:///Users/probert/Travail/OpenOffice/test.odb";
            store.storeAsURL(storeFileName, model.getArgs());

xServ.registerObject(mDataSourceName, dataSource); XPropertySet props = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, dataSource);

            props.setPropertyValue("URL", "sdbc:flat:" + mDataSourceDir);
            String tableFilter[] = new String[1];
            tableFilter[0] = new String(mTableName);

            props.setPropertyValue("TableFilter", tableFilter);

            PropertyValue[] cProps = new PropertyValue[8];
            cProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[0].Name = "Extension";
            cProps[0].Value = "csv";
            cProps[1] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[1].Name = "Charset";
cProps[1].Value = "windows-1252"; cProps[2] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[2].Name = "FixedLength";
cProps[2].Value = "True"; cProps[3] = new PropertyValue(); cProps[3].Name = "HeaderLine"; cProps[3].Value = "True"; cProps[4] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[4].Name = "FieldDelimiter";
            cProps[4].Value = ",";
            cProps[5] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[5].Name = "StringDelimiter";
            cProps[5].Value = "\"";
            cProps[6] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[6].Name = "DecimalDelimiter";
            cProps[6].Value = ".";
            cProps[7] = new PropertyValue();
            cProps[7].Name = "ThousandDelimiter";
cProps[7].Value = ";"; props.setPropertyValue("Info", cProps); props.setPropertyValue("User","probert"); store.store(); }
        catch(Exception e) {
            System.err.println ("Error creating data source: " + e);

BTW, do I can read the properties of a working text datasource ? I want to compare properties from the two databases but I can't find which method should I use to see the properties of an opened database.

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