> In other words, what is OpenOffice.org's philosophy about where to
> new address books (within mozab or as their own module)?

Definitely as own module. Over time, the mozab module has become
difficult to maintain, due to its dependency on a complex piece of
external code (basically a stripped Mozilla/Seamonkey version), which is

external code (basically a stripped Mozilla/Seamonkey version), which is
evolving itself.

Thank you for the very clear answer. That makes a lot of sense.

If you need inspiration :), I suggest looking at the KDE address book
driver. It was done by Éric Bischoff a while ago, is located in
connectivity/source/drivers/kab, a self-contained driver dedicated to
this one address book only, and it's probably the cleanest piece of
address book code you can find in our repository.

I will start there. Thank you!

- Omer.

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