On Fri, 2007-08-31 at 21:38 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:
> Hello, Swarup
> I've added a detailed step-by-step instruction how to import mdb via
> spreadsheet to Base. Have a look at the users.dba list and give a try.
Many thanks, Andreas, for your detailed instructions. I have read
through them just now, amazed. You have really written everything
clearly, and in a step-by-step fashion. But I must say that it becomes
quite a technical matter! Is it the case that other users also go
through such a maze of steps to import a table from MSA into Base? I
just can't believe that your average, normal computer user could follow
such a series of complex operations to get their table imported. I will
try it, and see how it goes. 

The fact is that most of our tables are not at all large or complex. The
table I have been trying to import the last 2-3 days has around 15
columns and 40 rows. That's it. And we have several other similarly
small tables as well. But then there is one we have that is quite
large-- although well within the parameters you stated in your
directions. I want to practice with the smaller tables first, and then
when I know what I'm doing, I'll do that one as well. 

But tell me: isn't there an easier way? (That is, a way that works?) Or
are improvements in the works which will make importing a table easy?
The public will never go for the series of instructions you've given me.
It is things like this I think which create huge obstacles for the
general public. But as for your instructions, I am deeply appreciative
and will try it this afternoon and let you know how it goes.


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