
Dinbandhu schrieb:
> Hello Mechtilde,
> On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 20:13 +0200, Mechtilde wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Dinbandhu schrieb:
>>> Could someone kindly confirm that the below outlined process for the OO
>>> 2.3 install is correct. Before doing somewhat complex install
>>> procedures, I like to confirm I have correctly understood-- so as not to
>>> create a mess.
>>> On the 2.3 download page, being a Ubuntu feisty user,  I am to download
>>> the 2.3 version for: Linux (deb) 135 MB. 
>> Version 2.3 isn't final till now. There is 2.3.0 RC3. We hope that this
>> will be the final version.
> Yes, it isn't final. But John McCreesh recommended to me that I download
> 2.3 anyway, saying it is quite stable and probably represents what will
> be the final version anyway-- and that it would likely solve my problem
> with the Forms Wizard.
> (He wrote, "We're on Release Candidate 2 - I'm using it on this laptop
> and I would be surprised if there are any changes between it and the
> final version.")
Ok, I also think that there are good
>>> Then, I am to download the following Source Archives:
>>> core source package 138 MB
>>> system source package 35 MB
>>> binfilter source package 6.2 MB
>>> l10n source package 75 MB
>>> sdk source package 23 MB
>> This sources must be compiled. You need only the binaries.
> I don't know what this all means. What am I to do with these above
> Source Archives. Do I need them? What are the "binaries"-- do they come
> from the above source archives. I've never compiled anything before.
So you don't need them
>>> Then I am to do the following:
>>>      1. First log on as root or from the GUI, open a root terminal.
>>>      2. Type:
>>>          dpkg -i -â??force-overwrite openoffice.org*.deb \
>>>           desktop-integration/openoffice.org-debian-menus*.deb
>>> Could someone remind me how to log on as root-- is it that one just has
>>> to prefix the above terminal command with "sudo"?
> Please kindly reply to above, if you know the answer.
You can also use sudo
>>> And the above listed terminal command is a single line command, to be
>>> pasted into terminal all as one unit. Correct?
> Please kindly reply to above, if you know the answer.
I think you can try it so
>>> Lastly, do you think 2.3 may solve the problem I am currently having
>>> in which the Forms Wizard will not complete its task of creating a form?
> Please kindly reply to above, if you know the answer.
Yes because this problem is only in debian and Ubuntu packages till 2.2.1



Dipl. Ing. Mechtilde Stehmann
## Observer OpenOffice.org: lang/DE
## Freie Office-Suite für Linux, Mac, Windows, Solaris
## http://de.openoffice.org
## Meine Seite http://www.mechtilde.de
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