Hi Marc,

> VFS implementations capable of storing compressed files should be
> available in many incarnations - HDF is one.

Built-in compression isn't even a requirement. I mean, for the DB
backend's data, I expect the engine to do (or not do, that is)
compression as needed. For embedded forms/reports, compression would
still be done in OOo, and the VFS would see the already-compressed data
only. For the remaining bits, "no compression" wouldn't really hurt, and
if it would, then OOo has own ZIP capabilities.

> So that is what happens when file recovering after a crash is done:
> looking for temporary files and re-building the .odb from them.

Not right now. The infrastructure in OOo's framework doesn't allow for
this. I hope we can fix this in the course of fixing issue 65597, but it
some changes deep in the framework, which are not in our (Base's)
resource schedule ...

> I had the idea of using an external HSQL server instance owned by the
> quickstarter. ;)

Quick-what? Ah, this thingie I disable as one of the first actions after
an installation ...

>> Interesting. I'm not sure what our OASIS guys would say if I suggest
>> using a file format which, though open, is under the control of a single
>> company, but I will read a little.
> I never noticed that fact, hdf is around for many, many years. But if it
> is so the difference to OO.o or Java is not that big, is it?

Neither Java nor OOo are standardized at OASIS. ODF *is*, and one part
of ODF is using the ZIP package format (which already a lot of members
had headaches with, as I've been told).
OOo is only an application which supports ODF. Java is only a technology
used by this application (not even for ODF-related functionality).
Neither of those is part of the standard in any way.

>>>>> <shouting "Jehova mode>
>>>>> Other databases using binary files having a jdbc driver may fit this
>>>>> requirement, too. Firebird would be a candidate.
>>>>> </shouting "Jehova mode>
>>>> Sure. Do you volunteer to write the driver/integration for FB? :)
>>> No, definitly not. That's why I tagged this remark with some sort of
>>> "humor sign". ;)
>> Oh. Should I have said "Ist hier etwa Weibsvolk anwesend?" to show I
>> understood it? :)
> Bärte, schöne Bärte!

Und Steine!

> Far too much work, and since there are JDBC drivers it may be a better
> idea to improve these drivers than writing new ones. Btw., is there a
> list of features a JDBC driver needs to offer for working flawlessly
> with OO.o?

What is "flawless"? Just halfway kidding, and trying to get out of this
without admitting there isn't ...

No, there isn't, and as experience told (I remember DBs such as IBM
Universe and such), there's always some implicit assumptions made in
Base's code components which we didn't know about before, and which are
not fulfilled by some exotic driver/DB. If possible, we try to relax the
assumptions in Base ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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