Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:
Hi Andrew,

So, it's not really a dead end, it's just a
pile of issues not in the immediate focus.
That is why the qualified statement "to the users perspective."

To their perspective having it go 2 years without another comment after - Assigning to requirements - is a dead end.

Well ... it wouldn't be much different if it were assigned to a
developer, it would probably also linger for those 2 years. However,
with a developer account, you sometimes now who to blame :)

hmm - there is my opening to the discussion at UX - The user experience of requesting and enhancement?

I like this :)
Just finished a review of the UX discussion mailing list. Seems like this subject has been discussed recently, as you well knew I think. So, after review it seems that all roads still lead back here for enhancements and features.

There was a reference to a post made at the proddev mailing list at the marketing group back in early 2006, I bet the guy who made the original post on that list actually forgot he even made it. Well, some people just never learn, do they. That was worth a good chuckle.

Maybe the unanswered question ( implied question ) in Mathias Bauer's last remark at the UX discussion needs to be revived - "what about the user the made the request, if there no way to give feed back?" I'll make that post, as soon as I can think of something useful to say about it..because after reading the thread I am at a loss for any reasonable suggestion.

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