Hi Ariel,

> the C++ VCL tree controls inside OOo work just like always did, it's 
> only the UNO tree control that has this painting issue


> (buy the way, I tested it on Win XP, Solaris, and Linux SuSe on my PC, 
> AND in different PCs, notebooks, etc. - so it seems to be an issue, not 
> only happening to me ; and this gives me second thoughts: how did it 
> pass the QA? didn't anyone test it with a simple sample?

AFAIK, the Object Inspector SDK sample was migrated to the AWT tree
instead of a Swing tree control. So, there has been testing, thus I
assume the behaviour is a) not present in all setups or b) not present
from the beginning of development (i.e. has been introduced after the
control was finished). I tend to believe the latter, since an issue as
this would in fact not have survived any QA.

> am I the only 
> one in all the world testing the new tree control? It's very strange for 
> me not to have heard questions on the API mailing list concerning some 
> other features of the tree control :-( )

Admittedly, there seems to be some advertising missing.

> Done !! See
> http://www.openoffice.org/nonav/issues/showattachment.cgi/49297/AWT_TREE_sample_code.odt

Will try to find to have a quick look. You might also have noticed I
nominated the issue as 2.3.1 blocker (though I don't think it will be
accepted, but it's worth a try).

> By the way, was I right assigning this to cl? isn't he the one how 
> developed the tree control?

Yes and perhaps not (in reverse order) :)

CL (Christian Lippka) designed and implemented the API wrapper around
the existing tree control. Thus, the issue will finally appear on his desk.

However, in a normal work flow, an UNCONFIRMED issue manifests in QA,
which evaluates and finally confirms and assigns it. The main difference
is the "confirms": People tend to overlook UNCONFIRMED issues, since
there are way too many of them. Especially developers are simply unable
to evaluate *all* unconfirmed issues, that's done by QA.

Thus, assigning an unconfirmed issue to a developer is somewhat probably
to be a one-way road, for quite some time.

So: Either look for somebody confirming the issue (NEW, but untargeted
issues *do* appear on a developer's radar regularily), or assign it to QA.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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