Hello Frank,

after testing and thinking during the weak end I came to some conclusions.

I think that there are several issues/RFE/features involved in this subject, so I didn't fill yet any issue: instead I'd like to share my point here and get your feedback.

What is obviously an issue (type DEFECT) is that the logical name of the node is displayed in the DSB's tree, insted of the value of the property "Name".

But all the other things are related to each other, and I am not sure if include everything in ONLY ONE issue, or report several issues and add them to the "depends on" (the rules are one problem-one issue, so...)

I reached the conclusion that databases registered by extensions using the DataAccess.xcu configuration file should not be displayed in the Options dialog, the user should not be able to change any setting, he can only remove the extension completely, not modify the register databases settings.

I came to this conclusion comparing installed databases deployed by an extension WITH the way extension installation is supposed/planed to work.

Let me quote some things that will make clear that point:


"[In Dialog "Tools" - "Options" - node "OOo" - leaf "Paths" ] You don't
see the "share/templates" folder here as it is part of the
"InternalPaths" element whose content *intentionally* isn't shown in the
dialog. This element is the *extendable* part of the path setting and it
contains all folders that are added either by the OOo installation
itself or by the installation of an *extension*. As they have been added
by *deployement* they *shouldn't* be controlled by the user, removing
them is a task for those who have added them."


"There is a tricky part here when you deploy autotext extensions:
currently the autotext GUI allows to save autotexts to arbitrary
locations. This is a bug
[http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=70410] that needs to
be fixed. Any *changes* *applied* to autotexts in an extension will get
lost when the extension is deinstalled. Extension content is *not*
*meant* to be *changed* *directly*! "


"The "InternalPaths" element contains all folders that may contain
something and *can't* be *changed* by the users, but they can be
*extended* by UNO packages."

As you see, everything installed by an extension, CAN NOT be directly changed by the user (examples: the user sees the Templates in the Templates dialog BUT he can't change the paths nor can see them in the Option dialogs; extension menu/toolbars are NOT customizable as the other OOo menu/toolbars)

The user can ONLY delete the extension as a whole (of course he can go to the respective folder and perform manual changes [delete some templates, etc.], but this is completely wrong, as some extension can relay in the contents), he has no control about the extension's contents individually:


"Configuration files in OOo extensions create two new layers,
"share/uno_packages" and "user/uno_packages". They lie in between the
default layers, in the obvious *order* of *priority* "share" -
"share/uno_packages" - "user/uno_packages" - "user"."

I understand this as if the "user/uno_packages" has priority over the "user" layer, that is, extension's configuration affects the user configuration, but the custom configuration the user can perform CAN NOT affect/modify the "user/uno_packages" layer.

So, once the user remanes or modifies the datasoruce name in the Options dialog, in


the extension configuration will appear to be removed:

 <node oor:name="RegisteredNames">[...]

Any try to reinstall the extension will be in vain: the databases are
not installed as long as the use the same node identifier.
If I manually remove or comment these lines, there is no need to
reinstall the extension, just restart OOo and the databases will appear
on the DSB tree.

This is obviously an issue, but should I report this or include it in a more global one?, as is it useless to fix this issue: the databases shouldn't appear at all on the Options dialog, and the user could not change any of their settings (at least that's what I could understand that is planned for extensions deployment).

Other things can be considered enhancements, and are only thoughts:

* as Frank said, the property "Name" should be modified to have an attribute oor:localized="true": the name of the database should be localizable: "Biliography" is a name for English, "Bibliographie" for German, "Bibliografía" for Castillian, etc

* in the aim of localization, the path to the database should also be localizable (Paths.xcu works in this way); I mean: an extension should be able to use different databases depending on the user language (this may be useful a sample database extension with teaching purposes, but may be for other things too)

* the extension developer should have the choice to make the database read-only, and even not to make it appear in the data source browser.

As you see I've been testing and thinking about it, but the one problem-one issue rule gave me seconds thoughts before reporting the issue/s.

I listen to your comments


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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