Hi Ariel,

> 2. * "ConnectionResource" = "sdbc:flat:file:///home/ariel/myfile.csv"
>     * "CommandType" = com.sun.star.sdb.CommandType.TABLE
>     * "Command" = "myfile" == the file name without extension,
>                 as it is used in SELECT SQL statements to execute queries
>                 against the flat file
> RESULT: the constructor returns an XCopyTableWizard reference, but
> XExecutableDialog.execute() makes OOo crash (without crash report -- at
> least here in Linux)

It does here, too :(
I'll investigate. At the moment, this looks to me as if it's not
specific to the copy table wizard, but to the CWS (and other changes
made therein).

> I'm not an User Experience expert, but a wizard to trigger another
> wizard does not seem very straight-forward.
> So, is this plausible to import form a flat source? can you imagine a
> better way than a "wizard to a wizard"?

I agree that'd not be the best user experience ever, but I have no
better idea :(


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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