Am Donnerstag, den 06.12.2007, 03:14 -0300 schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:
> Hi Marc,
> you can read
> I have improved this version: now the Addon.xcu has more than 1000
> lines, and it has almost everything:
>             OfficeMenuBarMerging
>             OfficeToolbarMerging
>             OfficeMenuBar
>             OfficeToolBar
>             AddonMenu
>             OfficeHelp
>             Images
> Unfortunately I do not have much time these days (the little I have, I
> use it for testing the CTWiz), so I couldn't:
> * write extendes coments on the Addons.xcu
> * test the TOOLbar merging as I did it with the MENUbar merging.

Okay, I'll start there.

> I could ONLY test on OfficeDatabaseDocument, don't know the other OOo
> Base related modules. But the IMAGE issue happens in Draw and Writer too.
> If you have time to test it on your own, I will thank you a lot! (it
> will be easy, just play with my NetBeans project)
> You'll find them at the same place:
> the sources as a NetBeans IDE project at:

Since we're dealing with database documents and I'm only searching for
information making up a good start to this topic (menu/toolbar) it will
be enough.

> Concerning
> > did you make a wkiki page about your
> > experiences with menus and toolbars?
> I could only write the "Under construction" in
> but wanted to start writing down some hints and ideas.

I'll look there, too. Taken together it much more than I expected, many
thanks. :)

> What concerns myself, I'm too busy right now: in Argentina this Semester 
> ends the 15.December. But from the 16.Dec to 1.March I'm on holidays 
> (from the Uni work, not from work at all; but I promise myself to do 
> some Wiki/coding work)

Good luck for any exams you may have to pass.

Thanks again,

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