Under the OO-help >>Parameter Queries<< i found a special remark:

"Parameter queries with placeholders (*, _) or special characters (for example, ?) are not possible."

This statement is not entirely true : Placeholders works but the user has to uses the SQL-placeholders like % an _

so the help should be is more correctly: like :

"Parameter queries with the OO placeholders (*, ?) are not possible. Only SQL-placeholders (%, _) can been used"

should I fill a issue not only to correct this help statement but also to correct the behavior that OO-placeholders are not transfered to SQL-placeholders ?

In the same help section i found a cryptic phrase who i not understood and i suppose many other common users :-)

"if you formulate a parameter query and you save it with the variables, you can later create a query in which only the variables have to be replaced by the expressions that you want. OpenOffice.org asks for these variables in a dialog as soon as you open the query."

Can someone explains me what thats means ?



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