Mechtilde wrote:
Hello Fernand
Fernand Vanrie schrieb:
Under the OO-help >>Parameter Queries<< i found a special remark:

"Parameter queries with placeholders (*, _) or special characters (for
example, ?) are not possible."

This statement is not entirely true : Placeholders  works but the user
has to uses the SQL-placeholders like % an _

so the help should be is more correctly: like :

"Parameter queries with  the OO placeholders (*, ?)   are not possible.
Only SQL-placeholders (%, _) can been used"

should  I fill a issue not only to correct this help statement but also
to correct the behavior that OO-placeholders are not transfered to
SQL-placeholders ?

This would be very interesting, but I can't confirm it.

Can you please create an example where you set a parameter query in
which you can use a placeholder for selecting values from a column.
make a ODBC conection to (MS) SQL server based data base

I make a simple query in design mode

the "like:Userinput"  must been written without spaces

that resulys in a SQL statement:

SELECT "firma" FROM "Agentschappen"."dbo"."tbl_Klanten" WHERE ( ( "firma" LIKE :UserInput ) )

when running the interface prompt for the Userinput and inputting "a%" results in the column content who started with "a"

"%a" gives all results ended on "a" ect.....





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