Alexandro Colorado wrote:
I am involved on the creation of a new site for the OOo community. The site still a work in progress but still want to call for action. This site will be a repository to host resources for OOo specifically templates and clipart.

I know that the domain name is a bit eary, I could also hear the drums of (flame) war when I was presented wtih it and I am sure we will actually change it.

However meanwhile the site do has a category for Base templates and I think that we can put some work into making some of the base templates we been talking about on the list.

moin alexander,

thx for the info and the great work

i pasted your template link into a oo wiki doc and added you as autor (if you do not like it, please forgive me) .. feel free to add or modify the doc - hope this is in your sense, else please delete your name from the doc or let me know to do this for you ;)

bye chris (

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