When I originally posted this issue on the old dba-users list, I hadn't seen this note for the dba-dev list:

   Every discussion about not only developing, but also using the
   database access components in OpenOffice.org should take place here.

So I'm trying again, this time in the correct place. :-)

I've got a fairly straightforward table in a MySQL 5.0 database that looks like this:

    Customer INTEGER       NOT NULL REFERENCES Customer,
DateSubmitted DATE          NOT NULL,
      Amount DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,
       Notes VARCHAR(512)      NULL)

I'm having a number of problems with getting OpenOffice's Base to do the right thing with this table, but the most frustrating is that when I create a form based on the table, then go to insert a new row using that form, I get an error message complaining that the Amount column cannot be NULL, even though I'm entering a value for that column.

This problem is occurring regardless of OOo version or client platform (e.g., OOo 2.3 on Ubuntu Gutsy, or OOo 2.0 on Windows NT). I'm telling OOo that the database is MySQL and I'm connecting over ODBC.

The other problems might be clues to what's causing the first problem, or they may be unrelated (by improbable coincidence). In the 2.3 OOo on Ubuntu, when I invoke the form wizard, the list of fields offered for inclusion on the form omits the Amount column (but the form wizard in OOo 2.0 on WinNT includes it). Also, both installations show the Amount column as "Text (fix) [ char ]" when I bring up Edit on the table definition, and trying to correct that doesn't stick (next time I open the Editing windows on the table definition, my Decimal 10, 2 is gone, and it's back to "Text (fix) [ char ]").

Is this a known bug (or bugs)? If not, I'll be happy to help track it down with whatever sleuthing I can perform on my end. I have addressed my own needs satisfactorily by moving the data into PostgreSQL, with which OOo does not appear to have the problems described above, so my interest in pursuing this just is to improve OOo. Since OOo works with PostgreSQL, and since I can successfully retrieve and manipulate the data in the MySQL table using the MySQL ODBC driver, I assume this is one of those problems which arises from defects in the way the two packages (OOo base and the ODBC driver) interact with each other.

Please let me know if you're interested in getting this fixed (or just tell me if it's a known bug - I couldn't find any record of such).

Bob Kline

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