
I am looking at "Base To-Do/Joins in dBase queries"
The page suggests extending three database drivers to support sql
statements of the form "SELECT ... FROM TABLE1, TABLE2, ... TABLEn

However I have also stumbled across issues 42464 "[RFE] allow to link
tables from different sources into one database file"
<> and
83660 "Cannot do join query on tables from different .odb documents"
<>.  These issues
have status NEW and UNCONFIRMED respectively, which I take to mean
that the requests are not necessarily good ideas.

I see the following similarities among these three items:

(*) Each requirement is to bring together into one result set data
    from sources which OOo cannot currently bring together.

(*) OOo must be able itself to join rows, as no one database engine
    will necessarily have access to all the needed data.  (Is it the
    case now that OOo always leaves it up to the underlying database
    engines to join tables?).

This suggests to me the possibility of a new driver to integrate data
from the drivers already available.  Is this idea worth thinking

Thank you for your attention.


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