Hi Brian,

> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Base_To-Do/SQL_Syntax_Highlighting
> I'm interested in participating in this feature development.


> I have some questions for your staff.  First, this development has a
> difficulty rating of "Medium" as I note on the project site.  I
> imagine something termed as "Low" would be better for a first time
> contributer, but I am interested in this feature because it involves
> authoring new C++ code, which is what I really want to do mostly.
> Obviously this is tough for you to say without knowing me very well,
> but do think that someone with my skills is good for this task?  If
> you feel that I'm a better candidate for something else please don't
> hesitate to say so.

Hard to say ...

This particular project is something where you can indeed learn a lot by
letting existing code pieces inspire you. In particular, the Basic IDE
already does a "edit a text and give it some syntax-dependent
highlighting". The SQL editor would do the same, only with a different
syntax. So, you could examine the Basic IDE's code, which significantly
decreases the difficulty - if you're the learn-from-code-reading type of

> Second, the project page estimates six weeks of
> work for this feature.  Roughly how many hours a week does that
> estimate include?

Uhm - this estimation was done by me quite a while ago, and it was
really ... a wild guess. You know, when estimating my own project's
time, I'm almost always wrong :)

As Ocke already said, a non-negligible amount of time probably needs to
be invested to be able to build/debug OOo - unfortunately, OOo's code
base is a monster :).

Second, examining the Basic IDE, understanding how it works, and
creating a similar solution for the SQL editor could be ... hmm ... 40
hours. (Well, it could also be 20 or 60, depending on how good you are :)

Usually, there's fine tuning needed after the implementation works. This
is both in terms of features/functionality as well as code style -
especially in a code base as complex as OOo, don't expect a beginner's
code to be perfect, it's up to impossible to know all the "best fitting
patterns" from the beginning.

However, nothing of this should hinder you - you'll get all needed
support here and in the other lists.

> Last, will I have a technical point of contact to
> consult for questions I may have during the development process,
> somebody who may serve as some kind of development lead overseeing the
> work I'm doing?

For questions about the build process and the like, if you encounter
problems there, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the mailing list where all the
experts linger.

For developing the concrete feature, this list here ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is the
right place. (And as you noticed, Ocke is pretty responsive, and I
promise to try to have shorter response times next time :)

> I look forward to an opportunity to lend my skills for the improvement
> of Open Office, and I hope I get an opportunity to do so sometime in
> the future even if not for this specific task.

Welcome on board then!


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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