Hi Jonathan,

> Please see and review the attached patch.

+ In your current patch, both the toolkit controls and the form controls
  declare a GroupName property, which leads to ambiguities at runtime.
  (A non-product build will report those ambiguities - that's why I
  always advertise non-product builds for daily development, it helps
  finding errors before they manifest themself as bugs.)

  You need to remove the declaration of the GroupName property from
  Instead, add a call
    startAggregatePropertyListening( PROPERTY_GROUP_NAME )
  to the ORadioButtonModel's ctors, and add code to the
  ORadioButtonModel::_propertyChanged method, which is called when
  the GroupName property of the aggregate (which is the toolkit's radio
  button model) changes.

  Which means you must outsource the code in
  setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast, which initializes |this|'
  CONTROLSOURCE property with the value of the same property of another
  sibling of the same (new) group. This is to be able to call it from
  both setFastPropertyValue_NoBroadcast and _propertyChanged.

  Note that the current version of this code is wrong: It actually
  searchs for a sibling with the same Name or GroupName, depending on
  which property of |this| just changed. Instead, it must search for a
  sibling which is in the same group as |this|.
  Imagine for instance a document with 3 radio buttons X/A, Y/B, Z/B
  (Name/GroupName) where the name of the first is set to Y => it would
  copy the CONTROLSOURCE value of the second to itself, which is wrong,
  since both are not in the same group.

- in toolkit/source/controls/dialogcontrol.cxx:
    const ::rtl::OUString GROUP_NAME (::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(
      "GroupName" ) );
  Just a side note here: Those should usually be written as
      "GroupName" ) );
  , as this is more efficient. It doesn't really matter here, it's just
  a question of being used to it when it actually does matter.

- UnoControlDialogModel::AddRadioButtonToGroup
  - pGroups is superfluous
  + the method name is misleading - it suggests the radio button is
    actually added, which is not the case.
  - pNamedGroups and pCurGroup should be reference parameters, not
    pointers, since they cannot be NULL

- the below code in implUpdateGroupStructure
    if  (  (( nThisModelStep == nCurrentGroupStep )
        ||      ( 0 == nThisModelStep ))
        && sGroupName == sCurGroup
  has a weird indention after your changes: Both || and && are at the
  same level, though they don't have the same priority/level. Putting an
  IF-clause in multiple lines as in thise case has the reason to allow
  to see the levels *without* actually examing the brackets.
  (Well, at least for people being used to read multi-line IFs with this
  pattern, the changed version is misleading.)

- the loop at the end of UnoControlDialogModel::implUpdateGroupStructure
  could be written with some ::std::copy / std::insert_iterator
  (which would make it easier to understand as "it's a copy operation",
  though not necessarily shorter to write)

+ there's stil no code for *reading* the GroupName property of a radio
  button in a form

Note: items denoted with a + are what I would consider essential before
integrating the feature, items denoted with a - are on the nice-to-have
list or on the a-matter-of-taste list.

Note (2): For the toolkit part, you might also want to approach (perhaps
by attaching the patch to an issue in IZ, to have a central place for
discussion) Malte Timmermann (mt) and Carsten Driesner (cd) - the former
is the original author of the toolkit with still deep knowledge, the
latter is the current owner of the toolkit. Both might have to add
something ...


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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