Moin tora,

tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:

A question about CJK fonts with Sun Report Builder.

With SRB 1.0.0, the size of CJK font was surprisingly too big.

Thanks to the efforts of development, with SRB 1.0.4, the default
size of CJK fonts seems to have been changed to normal size.

It, however, seems to be forcedly set to 12pt and seems not to
be able to be specified. Additionally, its font family seems
to be unchangeable.

The size and family of CJK font of labels become able to be changed
in the design window, but its font family in a processed output
is forcedly set to the default font family when "Execute Report"
is executed.

Is there any information on supporting CJK fonts with SRB?

I have just started to locally build CWS rptchart02 to confirm
them with the latest, under-development one.
Looks like an issue for me ;-) Could please submit one and attach a sample database with report. Thanks.

Best regards,


Thanks in advance,

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