Hi MIcha,

Michael Strobel wrote:
Hi Ocke,

You may have a look at connectivity/source/commontools/FValue.cxx.
This class is used to fetch the values from the result set and
dbtools.cxx as well.
How does your table structure look like? Could you create another db
(may be hsqldb) for a testing purpose with some sample data so that I
may have a look at it?

Creating another db is no problem, if you think it's useful. I'm using a
very simple test case, one table t1 with columns c1 int, primary key, c2
varchar(5), c3 long varchar containing one row (1, 'test', 'test') and
the trace output from the JDBC driver. I can send you the trace output,
just didn't attach it here because of it's size.
That would be great. But an issue where you attach the bugdoc would even be better :-)

Best regards,

Best regards,

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