Hi Noel,

thanks for your recent changes, this is going to look better and better ...

Two non-negligible (IMO) issues:

+ removing an embedded image from a control is possible in some
  round-about way only: You need to set a linked image, and then remove
  it. This is a  pretty bad user experience.
  I think this could best be solved together with a placeholder: If we
  would display a placeholder such as "<embedded graphics>", then for
  the user it would be obvious (hopefully) that pressing "Del" in this
  case will delete the embedded graphics from the control.
  However, this requires adding placeholder functionality to the
  SvtURLBox, since of course we want it to handle the placeholder text
  as one big chunk only (i.e. when the user starts to type, the place
  holder is completely removed). Not sure how difficult this would be.

+ double-clicking an image control does not allow for non-linked images.
  Missed this the last time - the implementation for this is in
  ImageControl.cxx, method implInsertGraphics.
  Care needs to be taken here: if the method "hasField()" returns true,
  then the control is bound to a database column, in which case the
  "Link" checkbox should be disabled. If it is "false", it should
  be enabled (and checked by default?).

Minor issues (which I mention only since this is an anankasm of mine
when doing code reviews :):

- sVal in FormComponentPropertyHandler::setPropertyValue is superfluous
- string variables usually start with "s" (ObjectID in
- do you know "makeAny( <value > )"? Saves the
    Any aValue( <value > );
    useValue( aValue );
  construct you often use.
- The "// Bit of a hack to ..." comment in
  FormComponentPropertyHandler::impl_browseForImage_nothrow is outdated.
- isImageResourceURL and isGraphicObjectURL could be merged into a
  single "isSupportedURL" or so, lowering future extension costs this

Then, after stumbling about GraphicObjectFactory again ... what about
naming it "GraphicObject" only? It would be a) better conform to the
habit of naming the service which implements "XFoo" just "Foo" b) spare
a few letters to type :)
Of course, the constructors should be "create" and "createWithId" then.

Finally - cool feature, really. Adding the same image to multiple
controls indeed adds it only once to the file, and such ... I like it.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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