Hi Frank
On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 11:25 +0200, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems
Germany wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> thanks for your recent changes, this is going to look better and better ...
Thanks for the positive feeback !!
> Two non-negligible (IMO) issues:
> + removing an embedded image from a control is possible in some
>   round-about way only: You need to set a linked image, and then remove
>   it. This is a  pretty bad user experience.
>   I think this could best be solved together with a placeholder: If we
>   would display a placeholder such as "<embedded graphics>", then for
>   the user it would be obvious (hopefully) that pressing "Del" in this
>   case will delete the embedded graphics from the control.
ouch, yes, I took the easy route by making it blank because I wanted to
avoid the localisation issue ( and not realising at all the
non-deletableness that this introduces )
>   However, this requires adding placeholder functionality to the
>   SvtURLBox,
okay, I can look into that
>  since of course we want it to handle the placeholder text
>   as one big chunk only (i.e. when the user starts to type, the place
>   holder is completely removed). Not sure how difficult this would be.
not sure what you mean about that, probably what you mean will become
obvious when I try to do it :-)
> + double-clicking an image control does not allow for non-linked images.
>   Missed this the last time - the implementation for this is in
>   ImageControl.cxx, method implInsertGraphics.
oh, didn't know about that
>   Care needs to be taken here: if the method "hasField()" returns true,
>   then the control is bound to a database column, in which case the
>   "Link" checkbox should be disabled. If it is "false", it should
>   be enabled (and checked by default?).
I think checked by default to reflect the legacy behaviour would be
consistent with what I did for the other place where the filepicker is
raised, yes?
> Minor issues (which I mention only since this is an anankasm of mine
> when doing code reviews :):
> - sVal in FormComponentPropertyHandler::setPropertyValue is superfluous
yes, I think this is a piece of partially removed debug code :-( oops
> - string variables usually start with "s" (ObjectID in
>   FormComponentPropertyHandler::setPropertyValue)
sure, consider it changed
> - do you know "makeAny( <value > )"? Saves the
>     Any aValue( <value > );
>     useValue( aValue );
>   construct you often use.
how can you say its a 'construct I ofter use'? afaiks I only did it
once!!! :-P, however it's quite funny because generally I do use makeAny
but for some reason not here, I dunno why :-/  
> - The "// Bit of a hack to ..." comment in
>   FormComponentPropertyHandler::impl_browseForImage_nothrow is outdated.
yep, I will change the comment
> - isImageResourceURL and isGraphicObjectURL could be merged into a
>   single "isSupportedURL" or so, lowering future extension costs this
>   way
your suggestion makes sense, I will change it
> Then, after stumbling about GraphicObjectFactory again ... what about
> naming it "GraphicObject" only? It would be a) better conform to the
> habit of naming the service which implements "XFoo" just "Foo" b) spare
> a few letters to type :)
> Of course, the constructors should be "create" and "createWithId" then.
no problem for me I have no attachment the name I chose and /me is happy
that for someone else to be decisive regarding such things 
>  Adding the same image to multiple
> controls indeed adds it only once to the file
yes, using the GraphicObject object, the associated url scheme and the
"com.sun.star.comp.Svx.Graphic[Import|Export]Helper" service(s) used by
xmloff, gets you *so much* for free. You would not believe how much code
I discarded from the patch after discovering these.



as usual it may take me a while to get back to this ( I hopefully have a
couple of days off the end of this week ) so it may be a little while

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