Hi Jon,

I think going with the interop namespace is the way to go. Or to put it in Tim 
Brays words: Who could possibly be against it? 

Additionally I really like the TC chairs to update the information on 
http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/Grouping_for_Radio_Elements. It does not 
state that its rejected at the moment. Lets see whether we can get more info.

So I think we should go with the interop namespace and once we recieved the 
feedback from the TC we can solve this in one of the upcomming ODF releases.


>>> Jonathan Pryor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 09/22/08 5:20 PM >>>
To move the discussion from Issuezilla [0] to email...

All Excel controls have a Name property which is used for scripting
(i.e. you can directly use the control's name from VBA script to
manipulate that control).  Excel radio buttons have a GroupName property
which is used to control which radio buttons are in a group.

This is more or less directly mappable to HTML's //option/@id
and //option/@name attributes, where @id can be used for scripting and
@name controls radio button grouping.

The problem:
When importing .xls files, Calc would only import the Name property and
not the GroupName property, thus breaking all .xls files containing
radio buttons, as every radio button would be in a separate group after
import.  This renders radio buttons ~useless in interop scenarios.

The solution:
We have a patch to rectify this, and in the process adds a GroupName
property to Form and related controls.  If GroupName isn't set, then
Name is used for grouping as before, maintaining backward compatibility.
If it is set, then GroupName controls grouping, allowing .xls import to
set GroupName and sanity to prevail.

This solution also adds a //form:radio/@form:group-name attribute to ODF
to persist this new property, so that it's actually useful within ODF

The problem:
The above solution was rejected by the ODF TC, for reasons that aren't
fully understood, but apparently are because this @name/@group-name
dichotomy was not sufficiently similar to HTML and other W3C standards.

The question:
Where do we go from here?

I'm of the opinion that we _are_ following W3C standards, give or take
an attribute name change -- W3C defines two attributes for this scenario
(@id and @name), and the above solution has two attributes for this
scenario (@form:name and @form:group-name), but I don't think this logic
will go anywhere.

I've noticed that ODF also has a @form:id attribute as well, but it
seems that it would be difficult to "re-purpose" this attribute to store
control names (as the value is apparently transient, for use with

So I'm at a loss as to what to do next.  The only other possible
solution I've heard is to place the group-name attribute into the
interop XML namespace, thus we'd have //form:radio/@form:name
and //form:radio/@formx:group-name attributes, where `formx` would be
the "urn:openoffice:names:experimental:ooxml-odf-interop:xmlns:form:"
XML namespace.

 - Jon

[0] http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=30823

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