Hi Max,

>> - optcolor.src:448: Should be SQLIDENTIFIER instead of BASICIDENTIFIER
>>   (copy'n'paste error)
> seems like you missed the latest svn update, found that one last night :-)

Indee, the SVN version of the CWS is just building, I still used the CVS
version this afternoon.

> Thanks a lot, this indeed fixed the issue. I actually thought about sth. 
> like that myself, so I made sure to have this code in the right order:
> aSQLBackWN(this),
> SQLFT(this, ResId(FT_SQL_COMMAND, *rResId.GetResMgr())),
> Why does the declaration order matter, isn't initialization actually be 
> done at this place?

It is, but a common misperception is that initialization is done in the
order you write it in the implementation - it isn't. Declaration order
is what controls initialization order, nothing else. So no matter how
you re-arrange them in the constructor, your members are always
initialized in the order in which you declared them.

However, I suppose only a few enlightened people :) knew this two years
ago - we all learned it the hard way when we switched on
warnings-as-errors, together with -wall, since the GCC we use warns if
you write your member initialization in a order different from the one
in declaration.

> Glad everything works fine now, have a great holiday



- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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