Hi Thomas,

On 28.11.08 23:28, Thomas Friese wrote:

I'm trying to open a Report on a button-click from a Form (and save that
report afterwards).

Frank Schönheit suggests in this message:


that something like this:

documentDefinition = reports.getByName( sReportName )
Dim  aCommand as new com.sun.star.ucb.Command
aCommand.Name = "open"
aCommand.Handle = -1

should open the Report (which it does - yet, no data is inserted into the
report). When I open the Report from the UI or use the following call,
passing a connection in the properties, the data is filled in:


Am I missing something in the "execute open"-Method above?
aCommand.Argument is a sequence where you set the same arguments as aProp.

Best regards,

Thanks for any hint

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