Hi René,

> I'm trying to recode the sample known as 
> 'mailmerge code snippet' and found at 
> http://api.openoffice.org/source/browse/api/www/Examples/Snippets/Writer/Writer.MailMerge.snip?rev=1.1&view=markup.
> I'm testing my code on a Windows Vista system 
> with OpenOffice 3.1 Dutch version. As soon as I'm 
> executing the method setPropertyValue with the 
> sdbc:flat <file>, I get the exception 
> com.sun.star.lang.DisposedException ..... EOF 
> reached ......

If that "EOF reached" is a citation of your error message, then I'd say
that some previous API call killed the connection to your OOo instance:
"EOF reached", according to Grok
comes from SocketConnection.java, which sounds as if you connected to a
running OOo via a socket (as opposed to a pipe), and this connection
somehow died.

> I understand I loose the connection with the server.

With "server", do you mean the OOo instance you connected to?

> But this server does not go down and keeps on running

If this refers to OOo ... this means (I assume) that on client side,
some UNO API call could not be translated properly. I do not know too
much about our UNO bridges which bridge API calls, but my assumption
would be that you're using incompatible .jar files, describing the UNO
API, on your client and server.

For instance, assume you have an interface XSomething, which has a
method doSomething, introduced in OOo 3.1. Now when you have an OOo 3.1
running, the UNO environment in this OOo process will know about this
interface and method.

Now assume that on your client, you use UNO jar files from OOo 3.0,
where this method does not yet exist (or has another signature, or
something like this). In this case, your client code will compile fine,
but at runtime, the UNO environment of your client will detect that a
call is made to a method which does not exist on "the other side of the
UNO bridge". The only reasonable reaction in such a situation would be
terminating the bridge, since a recovery is not possible at all (not
without potentially leaving your client in an undetermined state).

So, what I would check is whether the UNO jar files on your client and
server are the same. Those are, IIRC, unoil.jar, juh,jar, jurt,jar,
ridl.jar (might be more or less than those, not sure).


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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