Sorry for bringing this up again.

However - four years and still can't open an embedded form with a pre-defined standard action.

- but it really hit me tonight - Why!

*ODF 1.2 specification Draft 3, Section 17*

The form button can hold a URI for user with the standard action 'Open....', which is a type W3C [xmlschema-2] anyURI.

This is why? - this is the big hurdle...a naming convention designed for the web, and it's in the standard and would need the OASIS folks to OK a change. (expletive uttered here)

Fine, no problem - all we need to do then is; Get the W3C to change the definition of an anyURI, to accommodate our needs. Get those emails off to your local W3C representative folks...hmm...who is MY representative on this.

Ah - let's go to the top, the president of the internet himself - leo Laporte - and ask him to intervene for us. See [remember the blog post is just a joke...some on the comments there seemed to get bent over the idea]...that's just a joke

But - my question above Isn't.


[By the way what happens when you load a stand alone file with form controls, one of which is a button that is 'programmed' to open another form when clicked using a standard action - and your OO.o macro security is set above 'low'? - nothing, cause it isn't a macro.]

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