Frank ,
For months i am looking for the best solutions to manipulating data in Dialogs instead of forms. So i was missing a GridControl. Last week i Readed on Gulfoss that a new AWT UNO Dialog GridControl is coming, I discused with the makers why there is no "dataloader" available. They told me that this GridControl is a "developer" tool and we have to build our proper Loading stuff..... I can do that but it wil be terible slow using loops over the resultset..... Then i stumbled on 2008- discussion between you and Ariel about implementing a DataSourceBrowser in a Uno Dialog. This solution is not only faster but also available NOW Then I was just wondering if we also can use this FormGridView in the same way.
Thanks to your knowledge its now (again) all clair for me  :-).

As Always



Thanks to what i learned from Frank and Ariel i can open a DataSourceBrowser in a UNO Dialog doing the same for a FormGridView fails in a way that the FormGridView opens in the dialog but without data ?

The FormGridView is meant as "slave" view for an existing and living
form, it's the component you see when pressing the "Form as Table"
button in a form document. So, it won't work on its own.

I don't know out of my head how you would need to create a proper env
for the FormGridView, but can we go one step back, and you explain what
you want to achieve? Depending on this, the FormGridView might not be
the best choice.


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