Hi Frank,
On Wed, 2009-10-07 at 09:19 +0200, Frank Schoenheit, Sun Microsystems
Germany wrote:
> Hi Noel,
> Sure, im always interested in seeing what you're doing to ¨my¨ form
> controls :)
> > In anycase I am interested in
> > upstreaming this code anyway but I was thinking about doing that in the
> > context of a future vba support CWS.
> Any concrete time line for this?
:-/ as soon as I can, there is a cws ( npower12 ) in the pipeline and it
needs to be integrated before I can start on the next one. That doesn't
mean that for form control stuff depends on this cws but rather how I
use it ;-)
> > However, as I said at the moment it really isn't suitable to be used
> > with Openoffice directly ( lack of ui/persistence support for one ) and
> > I haven't had the time to concentrate on that part of it :-/ It sounds
> > though that any work in this area would be relevant to ( and affect ) a
> > 'proper' solution for what I would like to do, so I am very interested
> I think having a solution without UI and persistence is a great first
> step, I'd be willing to get this into MWS in such a shape (and add some
> test cases to ensure it doesn't break, and then officially declare it as
> feature).
hmm, looks like I lied, there is persistence of sorts, e.g. going from
the filter to the dialog it seems the state of the dialog is transferred
via the dialog stream so it looks like that I have already introduced
some 'unofficial' attributes to support this, but like I said, I am not
happy to upstream the current scheme and it is not usable in the broader
openoffice generic sense. This is the part would to be ironed out as
part of upstreaming, I would be happy with your input/help on that. 
But, like I said the dependency on another cws here is artificial ( its
more to do with fitting in with my ( somewhat dynamic ) schedule ) So,
bearing in mind that, I will try and find some time to dabble with this
prior to working on this in a more general vba cws. Really I think all
that is necessary is to nail down the right ( and most flexible ) way to
express using the different controls in the dialog xml, that would seem
to point to using the service name itself in as an attribute of the
control, this would fit very well because in the basket-case task (VBA)
there may be a need in the future to subclass the existing controls to
provide different behaviour. The data-awareness attributes afaik I
copied already from form controls and that should be ok. It would be
great to separate this from UI and I am happy you don't see a problem
with that. Maybe I just will create cws for this anyway, as always the
problem is bloody time :-( ( not to create the cws but to work on it )
Anyway lets see how it goes


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