Hi Zoltán,

Reizinger Zoltán wrote:
Moin oj,

The issue http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=106234 marked as duplicate of http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=106191, and the second status is fixed. In the main time, if I use CALL CURRENT_TIME and CALL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, in query SQL view, (which works is 1.8)
I get assertions, unsupported type:
Debug Output
Error: ORowSetValue::fill: unsupported type!
From File d:/src/cws/hsqldb19/ooo/connectivity/source/commontools/FValue.cxx at Line 1960
Abort ? (Yes=abort / No=ignore / Cancel=core dump)
Igen   Nem   Mégse  ---------------------------
It seems to me the bug not solved, what issue needs to be reopened?
I can not test some new time features in 1.9.
Yes, youŕe right it isnt fixed anymore. Somehow the flag is wrong which told the driver to handle interval types differently. Iĺl fix that asap.

Best regards,


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