On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 5:17 AM, Ben Carbery <ben.carb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Devs,
> I am just trying out Base 3.2.0 with a postgresql 8.1 server. Very easy to
> get going, but I noticed that some complex select statements generate
> syntax
> errors in base, but work fine via psql. There don't seem to be any select
> bugs/limitations listed here:
> http://dba.openoffice.org/drivers/postgresql/index.html. I am using
> 'Create
> query in SQL view' to test them.
> An example is: select count(*) from (select distinct on (mac) mac from node
> where cast(switch as text) NOT LIKE '10.10.16.%') as foo;
> This returns 3 syntax errors, error code 1000. The last error has the
> additional text "syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting BETWEEN or IN or

The error string "expecting BETWEEN or IN" is more or less the default error
message when the Base query definition parser can not make out the SQL

When you create a new Base query definition with in SQL view it does not
automatically stop the Base query parser from trying to parse the SQL
command -to do this you must select 'SQL Direct' - check your toolbar in the
query definition editor.



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