On Tuesday August 23 2005 10:58 pm, David Crossley wrote:
> Addi wrote:
> > David Crossley wrote:
> > >We could add a list of all directories to a file in the
> > >"etc" directory. You can still see remnants of previous
> > >half-finished jobs there. That list could provide notice
> > >of which sections have been done and which are next.
> >
> > OK, I found those and have created a new list that I added to JIRA.  I'm
> > sure I have some typos and missed dirs in there somewhere but the main
> > stuff is there.  We can correct the file as we find the mistakes on our
> > cleanup sweep.  (btw, those plugin dirs almost made me go cross-eyed so
> > most mistakes will probably be there :))
> Did you use the UNIX command 'tree' or create it manually?
> The former i hope.
> -David

No, I did it manually.  Everything that I know about computers has been 
self-taught so unfortunately I have huge gaps in my knowledge.  I end up 
being a big Rube quite a bit as I continue to learn.  I also know less about 
the windows command line than I do linux and I was on my windows laptop.  Now 
I know.  The time was well spent anyway since I really got a detailed look at 
all of Forrest which I hadn't really done before.

I guess I should redo the file using 'tree' as that would probably be more 

- Addi

ps - to those that do not know what a Rube is, it is taken from Rube Goldberg 
who invented ways of doing simple things in a very complicated manner.  Check 
out http://www.rube-goldberg.com/ for a laugh.

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