Good idea Paul...I like the date time string idea.

Paul McMahan wrote:
On 12/15/05, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Second, someone pointed out (I think it was Jacek) that we did not include
notation in the binary about what the release candidate was so that it is
confused with the final release.  Before releasing another cut I would
like the
naming convention of the binary and the directories to be clearer as to
they contain otherwise this will get confusing.  My suggestion is that the
name be:

geronimo-jetty-1.0-rc[n].tar.gz for example.  Where [n] is the number of
release candidate (and we are now on number 2).  The next set of images
follow this convention to ensure we are not confusing the users.  I know
are release candidates and this isn't required but it would make me sleep
at night :)  The directory that is actually contained in the zip will
still be
geronimo-1.0.  Thoughts?

Matt,  including a notation in the filename seems like a good idea and could
help prevent confusion.  I've also seen projects use a date string instead
of a release candidate number for this purpose.  Using a date string is
helpful since it makes it obvious when the image was created plus avoids
publicizing how many unsuccessful attempts there have been (not saying that
would be an issue in this case :o)

Best wishes,

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