On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Brian Akins wrote:

Was playing with memcached and mod_cache when I had some thoughts.

-mod_cache should be renamed to mod_http_cache
-new modules mod_cache (or some inventive) name would be a more general purpose cache)

So mod_http_cache would simply be a front end to mod_cache providers. These providers do not have to know anything about http, only how to fetch, store, expire, etc. "objects."

Something similar to the Squid Storage Interface [1] ?

Some example mod_cache providers could be simplified versions of mod_disk_cache and mod_mem_cache as well as the to-be-written mod_memcached (mod_memcached_cache?).

So cache providers would be fairly simply to write and mod_http_cache could handle all the nastiness with http specific stuff (Vary, etc.)

Also, do you mean to use mod_memcached as an application
cache (mod_cache working as a frontend for a site) or as
a proxy cache ?

My biggest mental block is how to have the configuration for this not be absolutely horrific.


Davi Arnaut

[1] http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/Prog-Guide/prog-guide-12.html

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