Good Morning Sirs!

I am using your IRC through your Webinterface, Cactus or so.

There I got a question from the user HEX0 at 6:22:24 regarding our business.

So, after my waken up I started to answer him at 9:51:39 with  my first
answer which is 8 lines long.

! Than I got a information in the IRC that the connection is
disconnected. So it seems my following answers from 10:39:52, 11:09:17
ad 11:10:29 can*t find their way to him.

May question now is:

Would you please check this connection problem or am I blocked cause my
answer is to long?

Please assist me!!!

Thanks in advance

Best regards

Peter Littmann, Berlin Germany

P.S.: I will going to publish my answer now at wikimedia and sent you
the link when this is done.

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