Hi Marc,

This should not happen as we are trying to have a build locale agnostic.
If you can list the failing tests and/or file a JIRA, that would be
awesome. I'll definitely have a look on my side.

The workaround you suggested about modifying the pom for the surefire
plugin is the best way to go AFAIK.


Le mer. 7 août 2019 à 11:05, Marc Pellmann <pellm...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> I tried to build NiFi from source and had some problems with my german
> OS(X). Some tests did not passed because there have been errors with . vs ,
> in the tests.
> Example:
> [ERROR] testFormatDataSize(org.apache.nifi.processor.TestFormatUtils)  Time
> elapsed: 0.004 s <<< FAILURE! org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<10[.]4
> bytes> but was:<10[,]4 bytes> at
> org.apache.nifi.processor.TestFormatUtils.testFormatDataSize(TestFormatUtils.java:91)
> Of course it works when I switch my OS to english/US, but that is not
> really a solution. To set this with system variables like JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
> with -Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US -Duser.region=US did not worked.
> The only solution was to set it in the pom.xml for the surefire plugin
> directly:
> <maven.surefire.arguments>-Duser.language=en -Duser.country=US
> -Duser.region=US</maven.surefire.arguments>
> Is there a different solution? Or if not - shouldn't this be the default?
> Thanks,
> Marc

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