When I try to run a form thru the ScreenFopViewHandler I get the following
code in the /tmp/xslfo.out file (after uncommenting that section):

<fo:table-column column-width="2in"/>^M

and the error is:

[Fatal Error] :5:11: The prefix "fo" for element "fo:table" is not bound.
ERROR:  'The prefix "fo" for element "fo:table" is not bound.'
2007-05-10 01:00:18,521 (http- [
ScreenFopViewHandler.java:116:ERROR] FOP transform failed:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The
prefix "fo" for element "fo:table" is not bound.

The "fo" prefix is not declared in the root tag as there is none and I
cannot find where it would be generated.

Here is from my controller.xml:
   <view-map name="AddMyWhy" type="screen"
   <view-map name="PrintMyWhy" type="screenfop"

Note that I use the same screen definition for PrintMyWhy, just a different
type. Could that be a problem?

I figure I must be missing something. Any ideas?


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