Do you mean "branch" or "fork"?

Do a release branch, yes, as explained in the message, just like the release4.0 branch. The intent is to create a binary distribution of just the framework.


On May 4, 2008, at 1:07 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

from what I read it seems you will be branching the framwork.
is this accruate?

David E Jones sent the following on 5/3/2008 10:44 AM:

Could you be more specific? I don't understand the question.


On May 3, 2008, at 10:17 AM, BJ Freeman wrote:

what will happen to the effort to keep the applications working with the
frame work?

David E Jones sent the following on 5/2/2008 1:09 PM:

Yes, exactly.

The main intent is to release something that is easier to test and
release to attract end-users. Part of the point of attracting end- users is to popularize the OFBiz framework way of doing things (a business and
service oriented application architecture as opposed to an object
oriented one).


On May 2, 2008, at 1:24 PM, Joe Eckard wrote:

When you're speaking of releasing the framework, is the intent to
distribute something standalone that could be downloaded / used (and
tested / maintained) separately from the business applications?


On May 1, 2008, at 9:15 PM, David E Jones wrote:

Any other comments on this? I'd really love to get the framework
shaped up and cleaned up as much as we plan to for the near future so
we can release something and keep it stable for a while...

Related to this, when we release the framework I really want to put some stuff together to talk it up and get the ideas in it out to the world. Part of that would be more docs and marketing material, and another part of it would be some press releases that go through the ASF public relations group. If any one or any company wants to get
involved with that please speak up! I'll try to coordinate it for
now, but there is certainly room for public credit and mention of
contributors to the relevant materials.


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